
年度 论文名称
2004 韩献博, “Prehistoric Images of Women from the North China Region: The Origins ofChinese Goddess Worship?”, Journal of Chinese Religions, 31, pp. 42400-, Apr. 2004
2004 韩献博, “Book Review: Taiwan jindai fojiao de biange yu fansi (Reform and Self-examination in modern Taiwanese Buddhism),”, Journal of Buddhist Ethics, 11, pp. 78-82, Apr. 2004
2004 韩献博, “Myth and the Construction of Foreign Ethnic Identity in Early and Medieval China,”, Asian Ethnicity, 5, pp. 81-103, Feb. 2004
2003 宋美莹, Sheila A. Spector's "Wonders Divine": The Development of Blake’s Kabbalistic Myth (2001), Studies in Romanticism, vol. Vol. 42, No. 4, pp. pp. 579-584, Sep. 2003
2003 赵太顺, 儒、释、道思想对苏轼尚意书风之影响, 书画艺术学报, vol. 1, 1, pp. 55-, Apr. 2003