聯絡電話 21618
研究專長 西洋藝術史、英國近代文化史、印刷史、博物館 (landmarks of western art, culture of britain modern history, Printing History: Word and Image, museum, Blake research)
討論區 0
當學期授課 HC12700 人文學跨領域課程與數位結合(Interdisciplinary Integration of Humanities and Digital Sciences)
HCH2300 西洋藝術史專題(Special Subjects in the History of Western Art)
HI26200 圖像史學導論(Introduction to the Historiography of Image)
GE25901 生命的畫像(Portraits of the Benevolent)
職稱 副教授
研究專長 西洋藝術史、英國近代文化史、印刷史、博物館 (landmarks of western art, culture of britain modern history, Printing History: Word and Image, museum, Blake research)
當學期授課 HC12700 人文學跨領域課程與數位結合(Interdisciplinary Integration of Humanities and Digital Sciences)
HCH2300 西洋藝術史專題(Special Subjects in the History of Western Art)
HI26200 圖像史學導論(Introduction to the Historiography of Image)
GE25901 生命的畫像(Portraits of the Benevolent)
年度 論文名稱
2024 宋美瑩, 楊俊傑, The Legacy of Atelier 17 in Taiwan – The Prints of Xiou-Ping Liao (廖修平), Atelier 17 at 100, Sep. 04-09, 2024
2022 宋美瑩, "Blake's Orc and the Taiwanese Deity Nezha", Global Blake online conference, Jan. 11-13, 2022
2017 宋美瑩, Teaching History or Retelling ancient stories with pictures: William Blake and the school version of Virgil, ECAH (The European Conference on Arts & Humanities) 2017, Jul. 11-12, 2017, 英國
2017 Mei-Ying Sung, Teaching History or Retelling Ancient Stories with Pictures: William Blake and the School Version of Virgil, ECAH 2017 (The European conference on Arts & Humanities), Jul. 11-12, 2017, Brighton, UK
2016 宋美瑩, Collecting Romanticism in the History of Print, ROMANTIC LEGACIES - The 13th Annual Wenshan International Conference, Nov. 18-19, 2016, 台灣台北
2016 宋美瑩, The Charnley-Dodd woodblocks at the Huntington Library, The Charnley-Dodd Woodblocks: Workshop, Jun. 17, 2016, 英國牛津
2016 宋美瑩, Constructing a miniature history of printing with the woodblock collection at the Huntington Library, BSECS (British Society for 18th-century Studies) 45th Annual Conference, Jan. 06-08, 2016, St. Hugh's College, Oxford
2015 宋美瑩, The Private War of a long 18th-century collection – History of the Armstrong Woodblocks at the Huntington Library, BSECS (British Society for 18th-century Studies) Annual Conference: ‘Riots, Rebellions and Revolutions’, Jan. 06-08, 2015, 英國Oxford
2014 宋美瑩, The Production of Books for “Instruction & Amusement” in the long 18th-century Britain – Woodblocks for chapbook illustrations at the Huntington Library, British Society for 18th-century Studies Annual Conference, Jan. 08-10, 2014, St. Hugh's College, Oxford, UK
2013 宋美瑩, Beyond Books and Cross-Continents: Cataloguing English printing Copperplates and Woodblocks in American Library Collections, LibrAsia (The Asian Conference on Literature & Librarianship) 2013, Apr. 04-07, 2013, 日本大阪 Iafor (International Academic Forum)
2013 宋美瑩, Beyond Books and Cross-Continents: Cataloguing English printing Copperplates and Woodblocks in American Library Collections, LibrAsia (The Asian Conference on Literature & Librarianship) 2013, Apr. 04-07, 2013, 日本大阪 Iafor (International Academic Forum)
2011 宋美瑩, Blake and Surrealism, Reception Studies Society Conference, Sep. 08-10, 2011, Northwest Missouri University
2007 宋美瑩, A Virgil Woodcut after Blake, Blake at 250, Jul. 30-Aug. 01, 2007, York, UK
2007 宋美瑩, Liberated from Rossetti: Re-titling Blake's 'Hecate', BARS/NASSR conference: "Emancipation, Liberation, Freedom", Jul. 26-29, 2007, Bristol, UK
2005 宋美瑩, William Blake and the Potteries: Transfer-printing, Copper Plate Engraving and some London and Midlands Correspondences, Romantic Correspondence(s), Nov. 04, 2005, Newstead Abbey, UK
2005 宋美瑩, Blake and Wedgwood: the printing industry between London and the Midlands, British Association for Romantic Studies: "The Debatable Land", Jul. 28-31, 2005, University of Northumbria, Newcastle, UK
2004 宋美瑩, Blake's Copper Plates, William Blake at Work, Apr. 30, 2004, Tate Britain, London, UK
2003 宋美瑩, Blake and the Chinamen, Blake and the Orient, Nov. 29-30, 2003, Kyoto University, Japan
2002 宋美瑩, The Experiments of Colour Printing and Blake Studies, Blake Symposium: Large Colour Prints, Feb. 23, 2002, Tate Britain, London, UK
2000 宋美瑩、David Worrall, A Reconsideration of the Execution and Conception: The Evidence of Blake’s Job Copperplates, Friendly Enemies: Blake and the Enlightenment, Aug. 24-26, 2000, Essex University, UK
年度 書名
2023 宋美瑩, 圖書館裡的博物館藏品──版畫原版(Matrix), 漫遊藝術史, Sep. 2023
2022 宋美瑩, 古典美人畫還是綠燈戶宣傳品?──英國流行點刻版畫(下), 漫遊藝術史, Oct. 2022
2022 宋美瑩, 古典美人畫還是綠燈戶宣傳品?──英國流行點刻版畫(上), 漫遊藝術史, Oct. 2022
2022 宋美瑩, 漫遊怪奇藝術史, 原點出版, 978-626-7084267, May. 2022
2021 宋美瑩, 木雕大師畢維克的「萌寵」列傳(下), 漫遊藝術史, Nov. 2021
2021 宋美瑩, 木雕大師畢維克的「萌寵」列傳(上), 漫遊藝術史, Nov. 2021
2021 葛蘭傑式書籍─書本就是我的美術館, 漫遊藝術史, Jan. 2021
2020 宋美瑩, 大師為你說莎士比亞:戲劇之王的誕生, 貓頭鷹書房, 978-986-2624456, Nov. 2020
2019 18-19世紀的倫敦版畫店, 漫遊藝術史, Dec. 2019
2018 宋美瑩, 女神還是女巫? 威廉‧布雷克的單板彩色版畫之謎, 漫遊藝術史網站, Nov. 2018
2018 宋美瑩, 倫敦1666: 一座偉大城市的浴火重生, 貓頭鷹出版社, Mar. 2018
2013 宋美瑩, 黃桂瑩, John Brewer, Peter McNeil、曾少千、馬 孟晶、王正華、馬雅貞、劉宇珍, 複製、再現與傳播:近代版畫文化, 國立陽明大學人文與社會科學院, May. 2013
2012 Mei-Ying Sung, J. Whittaker, S. Clark, T. Connolly, M. Lussier, P. Otto, R. Whitson, S.Dent, A. Whitehead, C. Trodd, M. Crosby, P. Simpson, S. Matthews, M. Douglas, M.J.A. Green, K. Davies, J. Keery, D. Fallon, 'Blake and Surrealism', "Blake 2.0: William Blake in twentieth-century art, music and culture", Palgrave Macmillan_London, Feb. 2012
2011 宋美瑩, 倫敦的崛起:知識份子打造的城市, 貓頭鷹書房,台北, Apr. 2011
2009 宋美瑩, William Blake and the Art of Engraving, London: Pickering & Chatto, Jan. 2009
2008 Steve Clark, Masashi Suzuki, David Worrall, Keri Davies, etc., 'Blake and the Chinamen', "The Reception of Blake in the Orient", Continuum, Feb. 2008
2007 宋美瑩, 推理莎士比亞:解開五百年來天才的創作祕密, 貓頭鷹書房,台北, Jul. 2007
2006 Steve Clark, Masashi Suzuki, David Worrall, Keri Davies, etc., 'Blake and the Chinamen', "The Reception of Blake in the Orient", Continuum, Feb. 2006
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位 期間
Nottingham Trent University(UK) 英文 博士 博士 2003.09 ~ 2005.07
University of East Anglia(UK) 藝術史 碩士 碩士 1994.09 ~ 1995.09
國立台灣大學 中文 碩士 碩士 1985.09 ~ 1989.09
國立台灣大學 中文 學士 學士 1980.09 ~ 1984.06
經歷類別 服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
專任 歷史學系 副教授 2017.08 ~ 2025.07
專任 歷史學系 副教授 2016.02 ~ 2017.07
專任 歷史學系 助理教授 2011.02 ~ 2016.01
國立台北藝術大學關渡美術館 助理研究員 2010.02 ~ 2010.12
國立台灣藝術大學研發處 博士後研究員 2009.09 ~ 2010.01
Nottingham Trent University 講師 2007.09 ~ 2009.06
清華大學 講師 1993.08 ~ 1994.07
交通大學 講師 1992.08 ~ 1993.07
醒吾商專 講師 1989.08 ~ 1991.07
武林國小 教師 1984.09 ~ 1985.03