
年度 论文名称
韩献博, 韩献博, 2012,Harmony (He) and Gender in Early Chinese Thought, Chinese Philosophy, vol. 1, 22
韩献博, 韩献博, 2012,The Westernization of Chinese Gender Studie, 性别的文化建构: 性别, 文本, 身体政治国际学术研究研讨会论文集, vol. 8, 1
韩献博, 韩献博, 2014,“Review Article: The Utility and Methodology of Comparative Gender History.” Nan Nu, vol. 16, no. 1 (forthcoming), Nan Nu, vol. vol. 16, no. 1
韩献博, 韩献博, 2013,“Ban Zhao.” In Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography, ed. by Kerry Brown et al.(Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire,)., Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire, vol. 无, 无
韩献博, 韩献博, 2013,“Liu Xiang.” In Berkshire Dictionary of Chinese Biography, ed. by Kerry Brown et al.(Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire,)., Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire, vol. 无, 无